What are H1 Tags and Why are they Important to SEO?

What are H1 Tags Blog Post

SEO – and digital marketing in general – is both an art and a science. Luckily, the V Digital Services team is full of talented people that are ready to tackle your digital marketing strategy and make it stronger and more effective than ever. Whether it’s H1 tag optimization that has you puzzled, or you’re ready for a total strategy redo, V Digital Services has you covered.

How Do People Search for Local Businesses?

local business searches

Local business searches are just one of the many factors that can contribute to your marketing success, driving valuable traffic, and building your brand. And while there’s no doubt that you’re already well-aware of the importance of local search traffic, getting your business in front of the right people, at the right time, is no small task.

Why does a 100-year old Sales Funnel make sense?

Why does a 100 year old Sales Funnel make sense

Every business needs customers to succeed and consistent sales to grow, whether you sell products or services online, from a retail storefront or both. If you’re struggling to find customers or if you have plenty of leads, but they’re not converting, you may need to try a different tactic. Successful businesses have a strategy that […] KEEP READING

Is Digital Marketing Right for My Business?

Is Digital Marketing Right for My Business

Business owners are always looking for an edge, something that will help them stand out from their competitors. In the digital age, your business needs digital marketing no matter what kind of business it is! Here’s why: The whole world is on the internet… well, maybe not the entire world yet, but Facebook CEO Mark […] KEEP READING