Straight From The Pros

Digital Marketing Report

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Digital Marketing

National digital marketing is an ever-changing world, constantly shifting and changing the way small business owners approach their marketing strategy. Staying in the loop with the top digital advertising news will allow you to adapt your business’ digital marketing plan effectively, ensuring maximum marketing success.

Here’s a quick rundown of the latest marketing industry news, to help you stay informed and ahead of the curve:


New “Promoted Trend Spotlight” Ads Give Brands Valuable Space on the Twitter Explore Tab

For businesses small and large alike, Twitter has proved to be an invaluable method for engaging with new and existing customers on social media. News reports state that Twitter has begun testing Promoted Trend Spotlight advertisements, which secure brands a top spot on the site’s Explore tab. This brand-new promotion option includes a large visual banner that will contain either an image background or a GIF and will pop up at the very top of a user’s Explore tab during their first two visits of the day.

The first brand to experiment with this new, high-impact form of Twitter marketing is Disney. In the future, advertisers will have the option of purchasing Promoted Trend Spotlight spots as an addition to the Promoted Trends ad campaigns.


YouTube Debuts a “Copyright Match Tool” to Tackle the Issue of Copyright Infringement

One of the biggest struggles for businesses and brands that use YouTube as part of their marketing strategy is copyright infringement. For years, it’s been far too easy for users to upload videos without permission from the creator, but YouTube is now releasing a Copyright Match Tool to resolve this issue. Creators will be able to use the tool to scan their videos and detect others that share detailed similarities, specifically full re-uploads of the same content. For many businesses, this is a first step towards addressing the rampant copyright infringement issues on the video sharing platform.


Google Announces Fully Automated Advertising and Campaigns

The latest addition to your Google marketing toolbox may soon include Google Marketing Live, which includes 100 percent automated ads and campaigns that are completely machine learning-loaded. This means an exciting increase in a brand’s ability to incorporate automation into their digital marketing plan. You’ll no longer be limited to just a few elements of campaign management when considering automation; Google is now creating ideal conditions for tackling every aspect of a campaign with just a few inputs.

Keeping up with the fast-paced world of digital marketing can be a challenge for any small business owner, but you don’t have to do it alone. At V Digital Services, our expert team has the tools and experience you need to develop and implement an excellent digital advertising strategy, including social media, search engine optimization (SEO), paid media, website design, and more.

Contact us to learn more about the latest in digital marketing and let us help you get a jump start on your business success.