Category: Organic SEO

How to Use Schema Markup to Outrank Your Competitors
Updated January 25th, 2019 The world of SEO is evolving at a rapid pace, and now there is one more tool available to web designers to get your page to the top of Google’s rankings. Schema Markup is a relatively new language that is hidden within the coding of your webpage. It is used to [...] KEEP READING
How to Get a Featured Snippet in Google
The featured snippet portion of Google’s search engine is a coveted place that companies fight for tooth and nail. Similar to SEO rankings, Google uses a complex and mysterious algorithm to decide which site is featured, and it doesn’t always go to the No. 1-ranked SEO site. Here’s what you need to know to have [...] KEEP READING
Stay Ahead of the Google Fred Update
Updated Date: May 16, 2022 Keeping up with Google search algorithm updates has always been a challenge for marketers. Google does little to clue in marketers on the changes they are making, leaving many website owners scrambling to make adjustments to their strategy after their rankings have been damaged. The latest Fred update is the [...] KEEP READING
Will Condensed Content Replace the Long Form Article?
For several years now, companies have sought to bolster their online presence by curating lengthy articles, usually to the tune of several thousand words at a time. At the beginning of the information age, all of this long-form content was viewed as a great resource by search engines and, sometimes, by users. However, new trends [...] KEEP READING
How Voice Search is Affecting SEO
More and more people are using voice searches through Siri, Alexa, Cortana and Google Assistant every day. Many adults say that they use voice search at least once a day. What may be surprising for most people to learn is that voice search queries are conducted differently than queries typed into a search bar. Voice-based [...] KEEP READING
What Can SEO Do for My Business?
Entrepreneurs globally often wonder what SEO can do for their businesses. If you are operating a small brick-and-mortar establishment in your local neighborhood or have a small online site you are seeking to grow, you need to leverage the web wisely. Doing so effectively, will provide a considerable return on your investment. Now, there are [...] KEEP READING
2016 V Digital Services Conference: Organic SEO Presentation Recap
There have been several major Google algorithm changes in the past year. These updates are a testament to how fast Google adjusts the way it shows search results, and how nimble we must be as an Agency to act in accordance with these evolving best practices. Below are some of the industry updates we covered: [...] KEEP READING