Straight From The Pros

Will Condensed Content Replace the Long Form Article?

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Content Marketing, Organic SEO

For several years now, companies have sought to bolster their online presence by curating lengthy articles, usually to the tune of several thousand words at a time. At the beginning of the information age, all of this long-form content was viewed as a great resource by search engines and, sometimes, by users.

However, new trends in social media and content marketing show that users have less time to devote to reading. These days, they want to get their information in short, concise blurbs of only a few hundred words.

In Google search terms, this means denser, more valuable content can be ranked higher than low quality diatribes.

Quality over Quantity

typewriter on wooden desk

As the saying goes, companies should be looking to create quality content rather than amassing a huge quantity of meaningless words. Users are focusing in on the content that provides more value per word when deciding what to read.

If they only have a few minutes to find an answer to their most pressing questions, they want that answer to come in a few precise paragraphs without having to do too much analysis on their own.

SEO in 2017 is adapting to our shorter attention spans and need for instant results. Content writers are focusing on using a handful of keywords exceptionally well, as opposed to stuffing numerous keywords into a sea of verbose fluff.

Improving the User Experience

Web developer coding a website

In addition to the value you are creating through content density, there are several factors that make condensed content preferable to long-form articles. For instance, the time it takes to load long articles is a huge detractor in Google rankings, where more efficient sites naturally rise to the top.

In addition, long-form content is often poorly adapted to mobile devices, which can make it difficult for users to scroll without getting stuck in a mire of random images and text that runs off the page. Website pages that cut their word count down below 750 words are significantly easier on the eyes for mobile users.

Going forward, expect to see shorter content become the norm. Many users no longer have the patience to scroll through pages and pages of information to find the tidbit that they need. Your content marketing agency should be making a push towards content that delivers more valuable information, regardless of word count.

V Digital Services

If you need help with your SEO in 2017, contact the experts in content strategy at V Digital Services. We can help you devise a plan to publish great content on a consistent schedule to increase your traffic and conversion rate optimization efforts.