Straight From The Pros

One Action You Can Do Before A Web Build to Speed Up the Process

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Content Marketing, Website Development

One of the most important questions you will want to decide and plan out BEFORE you start a web build project is:

What is the main message you would like to portray when a user sees your website?

Messaging starts with the “look” of your site. From colors in your log and on the site with the imaging used. Visuals are processed 60,000x faster than text and that 93% of communication is nonverbal. If your website looks off, then your web traffic and conversions are probably off as well.

When creating a website for your business, one important fact to remember is, “Your customers will remember 80% of what they see and a staggering 20% of what they read.” What they see equals imaging and design which means everything on your site matters and furthers what message you want to give the customer.

Web Site Examples Are Powerful

web-development-questions-to-ask-vds-photo-by-wetzkaz-graphics-shutterstockOne way to start narrowing down what you want in your website is to look at websites that have stood out to you and provide your web team with likes and dislikes. This small step can help your web team know where to start when they are considering designs for your site. This step alone also can save hours of back and forth in the design process, which in turn, can save hundreds of dollars.

Some questions that are helpful to answer for your web team:

  • When you are thinking of your perfect website, what element stands out to you?
  • What elements catch your eye?
  • What elements do you dislike and why?

Having examples of the above questions are essential to a well planned out web build. Not only do you want to pinpoint things you like but you also want to pinpoint things you don’t like.

Think about how these examples you’ve found and look at how do they play into the message you want your website to portray. After that evaluation, you may be able to narrow down the essential elements further and messaging you want your site to have upon launch or redesign.

Coming to the table at the first meeting for your web build with the target message you want your website to have and website examples will knock out weeks of back and forth. It will also help jump-start the project with a clear foundation to lead from. Your web team won’t have to guess about things you like or dislike; it’s been defined already.

Get Started Today

Remember, this is your website being created or redesigned; it will represent your company online. Take your time to choose the best website and do not rush the process. Starting with the above questions answered will improve the workflow and also help everyone in the project be on the same level from the start.

The good news, if you need any help with defining your message or finding good website examples in your industry, our web development team can step in and help you get through this first step. Reach out to us for a consultation.

Featured image: Le Buzz on Unsplash