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Products feature of Google Business Profile | When, Why & How to Use It

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Digital Marketing, Local SEO

Google Business Profile has added to the growing online tool bag of business owners by adding a product feature to the platform. Businesses that want to showcase their products without having to navigate to a website can build out the product menu with images, content and much more. This menu is located on the knowledge panel of GBP and is triggered by keyword searches for individual products. This benefits and allows local businesses to increase their clicks and views,  and increases the chance of a shopper deciding to make an in-store or online purchase. 

Google Business Profile is known for releasing and testing new features without announcing them until the release of the feature. Google has shown the importance of a digital communication relationship between both the consumer and the business by encouraging engagement features such as Q.A., reviews, and the ability to post. 

Product Collections in Google Business Profile? 

Google has rolled out the ability to showcase, sell and advertise products you offer from the Google Business Profile knowledge panel with the product collections tab. This feature should show up in the products tab when viewing your GBP on mobile. 

The more noteworthy aspects of the product tab is the ability to add images and product descriptions. This feature would work well for local clothing, gift, and hobby shops. 

There is no way to include individual links for an item, but this adds to Google’s strategy of keeping the user and content on the Google platform. except for a few verticals, can use the Product Editor to showcase their products to potential customers.

How Customers View Products

A customer will view products on a business listing from their mobile device, seeing a new “Products Tab” two new carousels will show: “From Product Posts” and Product Catalog” The “from products post will display products that have been highlighted from a post shared.  The

 “ Product Catalog” will show product collections that have been added allowing customers to tap on a product featured, see a collection overview, see product details within a collection, click-to-call action to find out more and provide feedback on products. 

Why should Google Business Profile users be using the product tab available to them? 

The product catalog allows merchants to strengthen their online profiles on desktop and mobile. Showcasing their products and increase interaction. Product posts must follow the “post content policy” of Google. Content related to regulated products including alcohol and tobacco, pharmaceuticals or gambling. The submission of products found to be in violation of Google’s policy may result in the removal of the entire product catalog. 

The product catalog feature improves the business’s ability to create a presence on mobile. The product is available to all business categories except for a few verticals. For larger chain businesses, this feature gives the ability to share data about the products you sell and their availability. The product catalog is not displayed on google maps currently. With that being said retail businesses can use the product editor or “create a product post” from their Google Business Profile Manager to post products to their business. 

Things To Keep In Mind 

Products submitted via Product Editor must adhere to Posts content policy. 

We do not allow content related to regulated products and services, including alcohol, tobacco products, gambling, financial services, pharmaceuticals and unapproved supplements, or health/medical devices.

Submitting products that violate Google’s policy may result in the removal of the entire product catalog, including products that aren’t in violation.

With all the new features, content options & required upkeep the Google Business Profile platform requires it can be an overwhelming even daunting task to keep up. V Digital Services offers an array of Local SEO Products that can help your Local brick and mortar business succeed in Google search and Google Maps.