The Importance of Google Reviews
Most business owners today don’t share the same opinion about their reviews. Some simply take reviews with a grain of salt, some don’t worry or care about reviews at all, and some treat reviews as life or death for their business. The truth is, reviews are the one true insight into how your business or businesses are experienced and perceived by the public. Reviews are definitely something to keep a good eye on, especially for the new business owner. New businesses don’t have the word of mouth or seniority that older businesses can have. Because of that, it’s highly necessary that businesses that are in the nascent stages work to achieve great client or customer service.
That being said, this shouldn’t take away from the long-standing business owner from keeping an eye on reviews. Looking into reviews for an older business can definitely present a rhythm of possible highs and lows that the business has experienced in regard to client or customer service. This gives insight to a business owner as to what changes to your business might be a good idea to make. Are customers happy about coming to the establishment? Are they frustrated? Did you make changes to the business throughout the years that gained or lost you, customers, or clients? Sometimes, the criticism of customers and clients can provide the best solutions for business improvements.
Google Review Management and Interaction
Most business owners don’t always interact/respond directly to an individual that made a review for their business. They either might not have an option to respond, depending on the platform a review was posted on, or the review might just be looked at and moved on from.
Utilizing Google Business Profile’ respond feature is another good way for the business owner to show the review has been recognized to the customer. Responding to reviews, good and bad, shows the owner takes an interest in the public’s option…plus google prefers interaction amongst GBP reviews.
New Review Feature: View Multiple Business Listings In Bulk
This is a new and great feature that will apply to multiple business owner. If you are one that has multiple GBP listings in one account, this feature will streamline your ability to view the reviews your businesses are taking in. You won’t have to click from one GBP listing to the next to check each review section.
Google stated, “This feature is available in all location groups with 500 or fewer locations. It’s not available for organization accounts.
Here’s how you can access this feature from your GBP account:
This can definitely provide a quicker vantage point for the owner into which businesses might be taking a hit or might be improving amongst client or customer opinion. Depending on how many businesses one might have, taking the time to click from listing to listing to check reviews can be a tedious process. This feature provides great efficiency for the entrepreneurs that don’t have a lot of time to look through their listing reviews.
Another great advantage is being able to reply to your reviews more efficiently. As spoken about before, utilizing interaction/replies amongst your business reviews is a great tool. This is another great aspect of the review feature that will save you more time communicating with your customers.
The Best Way to Manage Google Reviews
V Digital understands how crucial it is for a business owner to be in the know of how their business is doing from a customer’s standpoint. V Digital Services offers review monitoring services for busy business owners who is wanting quick, yet informative customer review updates. We also provide assistance in making sure customer reviews are following directory guidelines. If you are looking for experienced local SEO assistance with your business listing reviews or simply have questions regarding local SEO, please reach out to V Digital Services, and we’ll be more than happy to help.